
Elevate the Joy of Giving

A Game-Changing Wishlist Sharing Platform

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Quick links:

Github Agile Design
gifter app main page


About this project

Gifter is a web application designed to simplify the process of gift-giving. It allows users to create a personalized gift wishlist and share it with friends and family. Whether it's for a birthday, wedding, holiday, or any other special occasion, Gifter makes it easy for both gift recipients and gift-givers to connect and exchange meaningful presents.

Key Features

  • Non-registered users can search for wishlists by email
  • User registration and login with email
  • Adding gifts to the wishlist with details such as status, priority, category, occasion, price, and links
  • Managing and updating the wishlist


Technologies Used

Gifter incorporates a variety of technologies and testing libraries to provide a dynamic and efficient gift-sharing platform. The key technologies and testing libraries used in this project include:

    nextjs icon
  • NextJS
  • react icon
  • React
  • typescript icon
  • TypeScript
  • firebase icon
  • Firebase
  • reactfirebasehooks icon
  • React-Firebase-Hooks
  • reacthookform icon
  • React Hook Form
  • tailwindcss icon
  • TaiwindCSS
  • vitest icon
  • Vitest

These technologies, along with the testing libraries, collectively contribute to Gifter's functionality, security, real-time updates, and user-friendly interface. By leveraging these tools, I've managed to ensure the reliability and quality of this application.


Preview on Vercel

Gifter is currently in version 0.9:

Link to website
gifter app list screen


Agile Board on Trello

Check my Trello agile board that I use for managing tasks and track progression.

Link to Trello trello board with gifter app tasks


Design on Figma

Check my design at Figma

Link to Figma figma with gifter design


Thank Yous

Special thanks to Przemek Majewski for his valuable contributions to the development of Gifter. His assistance in identifying and resolving bugs was instrumental in improving the overall appearance and functionality of the application.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.


App views

gifter app main page menu screengifter app signup screengifter app login screengifter app reset password screengifter app dashboard screengifter app dashboard general mobile screengifter app dashboard email mobile screengifter app dashboard reset password mobile screengifter app dashboard delete mobile screengifter app dashboard delete screen

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